You are here: Playback Design > Screens > Duplicate a Screen

Duplicate a Screen

When you duplicate a screen, you create a completely independent copy of the existing screen.

This is useful to test a new screen background or new zone sizes without affecting the current Screen on-air. You would duplicate the screen, make all the changes, and then put it on-air.

If you want to change the look for the Holiday Season for example, duplicate the existing screen, change the screen background (all pages will re-render with the new background), then remove the reference to the original screen in your playback, or raise the priority of the new screen.


The original and the duplicate are not linked. New content in either of the screens will not be included in the other screen. See "New Content and Duplicated Screens" (below) for tips on how to re-synchronize the content.


To Duplicate a Screen:

1.In the tree, select the screen you want to duplicate.

2.Go to Edit > Duplicate > Screen.

3.Give the new screen a short name. This name will act as a prefix to all zones and magazines in the duplicate screen.

4.Optional: Give the screen a Title.

5.Select a screen background (see Create a Screen Background if required). Use the browse button and select a background from the c:\digimation\elements\background folder.

6.When asked to update the pages based on the new startup image, select Yes.

7.Optional: You can schedule the screen, or raise its priority. See Schedule a Screen and/or Screen Priority.

New Content and Duplicated Screens

When you use the Duplicate Screen function, the zones and magazines are not linked, which means that changes in content will not be reflected in the other screen. If you want to revert to your original screen at some point in the future, remember that changes in content made in the 'new' screen will not be in the 'original'. In such a case, you can do one of two things:

  • Duplicate the screen with the new content and change the background of the screen to the original background. All pages and templates will re-render with the new background. You will not be able to revert to the same screen name as the original, but you can give the new screen the same title as the original, and display it in the tree (right click in the tree and select View All Titles).
  • Copy/paste each new message into the original screen's corresponding magazine. All pages and templates with a tagged "background" field that point to the default background will automatically change to point to the new background. See "Default Zone Background" in Create a Background in CorelDraw for details.

If you have a or Audience.playback.sign system, and you use alpha backgrounds in your pages, your pages will automatically display over the new screen background. You do not need to have a tagged background field in your pages or templates.